Frequently asked questions

Why are Ukrainian refugees being given a living allowance?

Many Ukrainians are fleeing from war in their country. More and more refugees are arriving in the Netherlands too. Municipalities are organising support for these people, together with (local) partners and volunteers. They are also responsible for paying the living allowances. That task is laid down by law. Ukrainian refugees can use the living allowance to pay for their essential expenses, such as food, drink, clothing and personal care.

How can Ukrainian refugees apply for the living allowance?

The Regional Benefits Office (Regionale Sociale Dienst) will send an invitation to attend an intake interview to Ukrainians who are currently living in municipal or private accommodation. They can apply for the living allowance during this interview. We will also continue to hold weekly consultations at the refugee centres, so that newcomers can also apply for the living allowance. The municipal coordinators will register them for this.To apply for a living allowance, refugees must bring the following documents for themselves and each family member under the age of 18:

  • a copy of their registration with the municipality.
  • their social security numbers (BSN) and that of their children.
  • their own and their children’s passport or temporary proof of identity. A certificate from the consulate will suffice for this.
  • a bank account number at a Dutch bank, with a debit card. The living allowance will be deposited into this bank account. Ukrainians cannot get their living allowance in cash. Those who do not have a Dutch bank account can get a prepaid bank card from the Regional Benefits Office. 

How much living allowance can Ukrainian refugees get?

​​​​​​From the 1st of February, the amount for food (previously €205 per person) will depend on the size of your family. The larger the number of people in your family, the lower the amount per person:

  • If your family consists of 1 or 2 people, you will receive €215,06 per adult or unaccompanied minor and €178,36 per minor per month.
  • If your family consists of 3 people, you will receive €171,99 per adult and €142,57 per minor per month.
  • If your family consists of 4 or more people, you will receive €150,45 per adult and €124,97 per minor per month.
  • Are you living in a municipal reception facility?If so, the municipality may choose to provide you with meals. In that case, you will not be given money for food.

The amount for clothing and personal expenses (previously €55 per person) is being increased to €56,12 per person per month.

Are you staying in private accommodations, such as with a host family? If so, you will receive an additional amount for accommodations of €93 per person per month (previously €215 per adult and €55 per minor).

For how long will Ukrainian refugees be given a living allowance?

The living allowance continues for the time being. The rules governing the reception and living allowance provided to Ukrainian refugees in the Netherlands are about to change. These changes will be introduced in two phases, in December 2022 and February 2023.

How are Ukrainian refugees given their living allowance?

Living allowances are paid into a bank account at a Dutch bank. Ukrainians can go to a bank and open an account based on proof of registration in the municipality, a social security number and an ID. A bankcard is then sent by post within a few days, as is the PIN code.

When are Ukrainian refugees given a living allowance?

Once it has been established that a person is entitled to a living allowance, he or she will receive the first amount several days later. From then on, the living allowance will always be credited to the respective person’s account at the beginning of the month (on about the tenth day at the latest).

From what age are Ukrainian refugees given a living allowance?

Ukrainians aged 18 and over are entitled to a living allowance. Once they reach this age, they have to apply for the allowance themselves.

Do families hosting Ukrainian refugees also get a contribution towards the costs?

No. However, they can ask the refugees to contribute towards household expenses. But refugees are not obliged to contribute, but they can do so voluntarily.

What obligations do Ukrainian refugees have if they are given a living allowance?

They must inform the authorities if their situation changes. This mainly concerns the following changes:

  • starting or stopping work;
  • changes to the composition of family;
  • moving house, be it to another refugee centre or to another municipality.

How can Ukrainian refugees inform the authorities if there is a change in their situation?

They can do so using a change form. The form is issued when they apply for a living allowance. It is also available at the municipal refugee centres and at the Regional Benefits Office (Regionale Sociale Dienst).

Who is paying for living allowances for Ukrainian refugees?

Central government is paying the costs.  

For municipalities

Are municipalities allowed to issue living allowances if refugees are not yet registered in the Persons Database (BRP)?

If refugees are being accommodated in a municipal refugee centre, municipalities may, in anticipation of registering in the Persons Database, make a note that they are issuing living allowances, so that they can later reconcile their records once the refugees have been registered in the Persons Database. The persons concerned do have to be registered, but not necessarily in the Persons Database initially. However, they do have to be registered in the Persons Database to receive a living allowance for private accommodation.

Do refugees who are accommodated privately have to be registered in the Persons Database?

Yes, it is obligatory to register in the Persons Database as soon as possible.

Is it mandatory for Ukrainian refugees to be registered in the Persons Database?

Yes, if Ukrainians are staying in the Netherlands, they are obliged to register. However, given their situation, we are not enforcing the obligation to register within five working days of arrival.

Can Ukrainians with an expired Ukrainian ID (passport, ID card, domestic ID) be registered in the Persons Database?

Yes, that is permitted. We recommend being lenient in this respect. However, the photo on the document must correspond with the person recording their residence and address.

Should the living allowance be deducted if the refugee is earning an income from work?

No, but income from work is a reason to stop the living allowance. As of 1 February, the living allowance will be stopped not only for the refugee, but for the entire family once an adult family member starts working or receives benefits, such as unemployment benefit.This also applies to minor income, such as earnings from doing a paper round. Refugees must report this income to the municipality. The living allowance will stop on the first day of the following month. In addition, any allowance paid out without proper grounds will be reclaimed.

What will be expected from municipalities with regard to Ukrainian refugees?

The new regulations state that municipalities must start communicating more clearly from 1 December 2022 about registration in the Key Register of Persons and de-registration upon relocation, house rules in the reception centres and where refugees can go for legal assistance regarding their asylum application.

What are the changes affecting the allowance that Ukrainian refugees will receive?

Read the fact sheet on the Dutch government’s website for all the changes to the Asylum scheme displaced persons Ukraine. 

Questions about work

Are Ukrainians permitted to work?

Yes, refugees from Ukraine are allowed to work in paid employment. Since 1 April 2022, they are no longer required to apply for a special permit. If refugees from Ukraine start work, they have to take out health insurance. Consult the government’s special website regularly for current developments concerning insurances. More information about the reimbursement of medical care expenses is available on the health insurance line website.

What does a Ukrainian refugee need to be able to work?

To be able to work, refugees need a social security number (BSN). So only refugees who are registered in the Persons Database are allowed to work. As it stands now, refugees from Ukraine are not allowed to work as self-employed persons. For more information, click on the website of the Central Government.

What if a refugee from Ukraine does not have Ukrainian nationality?

Refugees from Ukraine who do not have Ukrainian nationality have to apply for a work permit. Those who can prove that they fall under the special rules for refugees from Ukraine (temporary protection) can work without a permit. These special rules apply to people without Ukrainian nationality who had international or national protection in Ukraine or had a valid residence permit for Ukraine as of 23 February 2022.

Where can you find work as a Ukrainian refugee?

There are various organisations that can help to find work. For instance:

Are Ukrainian refugees allowed to study in the Netherlands?

At this point in time, there are no special rules for refugees from Ukraine who would like to study. They have to pay the same tuition fees and are subject to the same admission requirements as before the outbreak of the war in Ukraine. This may change in the future, but the government has not yet announced anything on this matter. However, money has been made available for Ukrainian students who were already studying in the Netherlands on a student visa. More information about education and free courses is available on the refugee help website.

Do Ukrainian refugees get less money if they start working?

Yes. The living allowance stops when paid employment starts.

From the 1st of February, when a person of 18 years or older is working, the living allowance for their entire family will be stopped. This will also happen if a person 18 years or older receives benefits from the Dutch government, such as an unemployment or occupational disability benefit. This also applies to minor income, such as earnings from doing a paper round. Refugees must report this to the municipality. The living allowance will stop on the first day of the following month.

How about health insurance and tax regulations?

Change in Health Insurance

The Medical Care for Displaced Persons Regulation has been in effect since 1 July 2022. The Dutch government has decided that this regulation also applies to displaced persons who work in the Netherlands and who therefore have an insurance obligation. More information is provided here and here.

Here you can find detailed information in Dutch, English, Ukrainian and Russian. On this site, you can also view frequently asked questions and the answers to these questions.

Change in Tax Regulations

You may be entitled to extra allowance(s). More information on this is provided on the website of the Dutch Tax and Customs Administration (Belastingdienst).

For employers

What must an employer do when appointing a Ukrainian refugee?

From 15 April onwards, employers are obliged to report to the Employee Insurance Agency (UWV) that they are employing a Ukrainian refugee. Report this at least two working days before the person concerned starts work.
Employers can get more information and guidance concerning employing refugees from Ukraine from the Central Utrecht employers’ service desk. For more information, click on the Midden-Utrecht Werkt Door website or get in touch with:, +31 6 11 14 90 80.

What if the Ukrainian refugee was already employed before 15 April?

There was a transitional period for employers until 15 April 2022. Until then, they could still inform the UWV about the employment of a refugee who had been employed since 4 March 2022. For more information about applying for a work permit, visit this web page.

Why do employers of Ukrainian refugees not need to have work permits?

On 4 March, the EU implemented the Temporary Protection Directive. This means that people fleeing the war in Ukraine are given protection in European Union Member States. Under the Temporary Protection Directive, Ukrainian refugees have access to the jobs market without requiring a work permit. As the employer, you do need to register your new employee with the UWV in good time.

What if a Ukrainian refugee does not have all the identity documents?

Not all refugees have a document from the Immigration and Naturalisation Service. That is why all Ukrainians who can prove their nationality based on a different document, for instance, a passport, are exempt from this requirement until 30 May 2022.

Questions about BNG bank cards/Dutch bank cards

Can I receive my living allowance using a BNG bank card?

Yes, you can until 30 April 2023. After that, the Regional Social Services will only pay allowances into a Dutch bank account. You will need a different bank card for this.

How do I apply for a Dutch bank account?

There are two ways to open a bank account:

1. Visit a branch of the bank. You can find the addresses of their branches on the bank’s website or using Google Maps. Take your passport and an extract from the Persons Database with you and write down the address where you are staying just to be sure. A member of staff at the bank will help you with the application. You will be sent a bank card and your PIN code (separately) in a few days.

2. Go to the bank’s website. Rabobank and ABN Amro have a special website page where you can open an account.

Banks charge fees for having a bank account, but they are not high. More information about this is available on the bank’s website.

Can I open a Dutch bank account based on a passport that doesn’t have a chip?

Yes, it has been possible to do so at ABN Amro and Rabobank since December 2022. This means you can now open a bank account even with your normal Ukrainian passport (without a microchip).

What are the advantages of opening a Dutch bank account?

A Dutch bank account has many advantages: you can use it to pay for purchases, withdraw money, transfer money to another person, receive your salary, put money in a savings account and view and manage your expenses and income. You can also use the bank’s app to do your banking via your phone. Pre-paid BNG bank cards only allow you to receive your living allowance from the Regional Social Services (until 1 May 2023), pay for purchases and withdraw money from an ATM.

What should I do with my BNG bank card?

Once you have opened a new bank account, you must hand in your BNG bank card at the Regional Social Service, Kromme Rijn Heuvelrug. You have to do so in person before 1 June, so don’t send it in by post! The address is: Het Rond 6E, 3701 HS Zeist. Please note: only hand in the BNG bank card once you have received the bank card for your new bank account and started using it.

When will my living allowance be deposited into my Dutch bank account?

Your living allowance will be deposited into your Dutch bank account on the first day of the following month. So if you open a Dutch bank account on 16 March, you will receive the living allowance in this bank account on 1 April. Make sure that you have a Dutch bank account before 30 April.

Do I have to do anything if I don’t have a BNG bank card?

No, only Ukrainian refugees currently receiving a living allowance from the Regional Social Services on a BNG card have to open a Dutch bank account.